
Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is a cosmetic procedure chosen by individuals who are unhappy with the shape, appearance, or size of their breasts. This surgery allows individuals to achieve their desired look with larger breasts. It is also performed to restore breast volume lost after pregnancy and to make the breasts more voluminous. Depending on the patient’s needs during breast augmentation surgery, a breast lift may also be performed to address sagging and looseness in the breast.

How is Breast Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia and involves four stages:

  1. The first step in breast augmentation surgery is selecting the incision site where the breast implants will be placed.
  2. The next step is to determine the area where the implants will be positioned using the chosen incision site.
  3. Implants that best fit the operation area are selected with the help of sizers and measurers.
  4. In the final stage of the surgery, the implants are placed in the prepared area using surgical methods.

Reasons for Breast Enlargement Surgeries

  • Breast augmentation surgery can be performed to restore breasts that have sagged and lost volume after pregnancy.
  • It can also be performed to increase breast size for women whose breast development is insufficient.
  • Additionally, breast enlargement surgery with implants can be performed during the gender transition process to provide breasts.
  • Women who are dissatisfied with the shape and size of their breasts may also opt for this surgery.

Who Can Have Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery can be performed on individuals who are over 18 years old and in good health. Those who are uncomfortable with the small size of their breasts or who have experienced volume loss after pregnancy are candidates for this surgery.

At What Ages is Breast Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Breast augmentation surgery can be performed on anyone over the age of 18.

What are the Prostheses Used in Breast Augmentation Surgeries?

The prostheses used in breast augmentation surgeries are commonly referred to as implants or silicone. Breast implants are categorized into two shapes: round and anatomical (teardrop) breast implants.

  • Round breast implants are hemispherical, providing a well-rounded appearance in the breast area.
  • Anatomical (teardrop) implants resemble a raindrop, with a thinner upper part and a wider lower part, creating a fuller appearance at the bottom of the breast when placed.

The choice of using round or anatomical (teardrop) implants depends on the individual’s breast type, tissue, and structure.

How Long Does Breast Augmentation Surgery Take?

Breast augmentation surgery typically takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. After the surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for observation for one day and is discharged the following day. Patients can generally return to work within 4-7 days.

Pre-Surgery Considerations for Breast Augmentation

  • – Do not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours before the surgery.
    – Inform your doctor about all your health information, such as chronic illnesses, past diseases, genetic conditions, and any medications you are taking regularly.
    – Since nicotine slows down the healing process, you should avoid smoking for one week before and one week after the surgery.
    – Discontinue aspirin or similar blood thinners one week before the surgery, as advised by your doctor.

Post-Surgery Considerations for Breast Augmentation

  • Use the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor regularly.
  • Rest at home for 1-2 weeks after the surgery.
  • Smoking should be stopped or reduced as nicotine slows down the healing process.
  • You can take a warm bath one week after the surgery and resume daily activities by wearing the special bra recommended for you.
  • Avoid heavy sports and activities for the first two months.

Treatment Summary

Inclusive Package

Hotel, Transfer, Assistance

Operation Duration

2-3 Hours


General Anesthesia

Stay Duration

7 days

Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation surgery is available to anyone over the age of 18.
Breast augmentation surgery generally takes between 2 and 3 hours.
Wearing a special bra and being mindful of your movements after breast augmentation surgery are crucial. By adhering to these guidelines, you can resume your normal activities within 3-4 days, as long as you avoid strenuous exercises. Swelling and bruising in the breasts are common post-surgery, but these should subside and vanish within 2-3 weeks.
Breast augmentation surgery is considered safe when conducted in a hospital setting, within a sterile operating environment, and under the care of a skilled expert team and a specialist doctor.
The results of breast augmentation surgery are enduring. Factors that influence its longevity include regular exercise, staying hydrated, and wearing a supportive bra, all of which can contribute positively to maintaining the results.
Breast augmentation surgery is suitable for women aged 18 and older.
After breast augmentation surgery, patients should stay in the hospital for one night. They are discharged the following day and advised to sleep on their back for two weeks. Post-surgery edema, swelling, and bruising will gradually subside as the healing progresses, typically resolving within 1-2 weeks. It is advised to avoid lifting heavy objects and engaging in sports activities for 1-2 months. The breasts will start to look natural within 2-3 months and achieve their final shape in about 6 months.
The procedure is done under general anesthesia, ensuring that no pain or discomfort is experienced during the surgery. After the operation, some pain may be felt during the first 2-3 days, but depending on each patient's pain threshold, this pain can be managed with painkillers.
It is performed under general anesthesia.
Breast augmentation surgery is safe and risk-free when conducted in a fully equipped hospital by a specialist physician and experienced team. The incisions are strategically placed to be inconspicuous, leaving no visible scars. By following the doctor's instructions and using the prescribed scar cream, scarring can be minimized or avoided entirely.
It is advised to avoid swimming in pools or the sea for about one month following the surgery.
Within 2-3 months, the breasts attain a natural appearance and gradually reach their final shape.
The results of breast augmentation surgery typically last for 10 to 15 years, making repeat procedures unnecessary within this timeframe. The longevity of the results can be significantly influenced by factors such as the quality of the silicone implants used and the expertise of the surgeon.
During the first 1-2 weeks after surgery, bruising is most prominent. These bruises gradually fade and typically disappear entirely within about a month.
The first week post-surgery is when swelling is most evident. This swelling gradually diminishes and typically resolves within 5-6 weeks.
A common concern among women is whether breast enlargement surgery affects breastfeeding. Experts reassure that breast augmentation surgery does not harm the milk ducts, thereby not interfering with the ability to breastfeed.
For information on breast augmentation surgery costs in 2024, please reach out to us. Our specialists will respond promptly to address all your inquiries.
