
Zirconium Crown

Exploring Zirconia Crowns: A Durable and Aesthetic Dental Solution

What Are Zirconia Crowns?

Zirconia crowns are dental restorations crafted from a strong, white material known as zirconium dioxide (zirconia). These crowns cover the visible portion of a tooth, offering both durability and a natural, aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How Is a Zirconia Crown Procedure Performed?

The process of getting a zirconia crown begins with a thorough dental examination. During this check-up, the dentist assesses the condition of your teeth and gums to ensure they are healthy enough for the procedure. Once cleared, the dentist takes detailed measurements of your teeth. These measurements are sent to a dental lab where a custom zirconia crown is fabricated.

To ensure a snug fit, a small amount of enamel (about 1 mm) may be removed from the tooth. This helps the crown adhere better and ensures a long-lasting result. Temporary crowns are typically placed between sessions to maintain comfort and functionality. The entire process is generally completed over 2-3 visits. Patients can select the shade of the crown to match their natural teeth.

Benefits of Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are gaining popularity due to their numerous advantages:

  • Exceptional Durability: Zirconia is extremely strong, making it ideal for crowns on molars where chewing pressure is greatest.
  • Natural Aesthetic: With excellent light transmission properties, zirconia crowns mimic the natural whiteness of teeth, offering a pleasing appearance.
  • Thermal Resistance: Zirconia’s low thermal conductivity reduces sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Longevity: These crowns are resistant to cracks, chips, and wear, providing long-term use.
  • Biocompatibility: Zirconia is gentle on the gums and doesn’t cause irritation or discoloration.

Zirconia Crowns vs. Emax Crowns: What’s the Difference?

Both zirconia and Emax crowns are superior to traditional metal-based crowns, but they have distinct features. Emax crowns, made from lithium disilicate, offer higher translucency, giving them a more natural look, especially for front teeth. However, zirconia crowns, while also aesthetically pleasing, are stronger and more suitable for back teeth where durability is key. Neither type of crown causes gum discoloration, bad breath, or color changes, and both are designed to last for many years.

Who Should Consider Zirconia Crowns?

Zirconia crowns are suitable for individuals who have completed their dental and jaw development and do not have any significant health issues. They are an excellent option for those looking for a long-lasting and natural-looking dental restoration.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Zirconia Crown?

The entire process of getting a zirconia crown typically requires 2-3 dental visits, with each session spaced 1-2 days apart. The complete treatment is usually finished within 3-4 days.

Aftercare Tips for Zirconia Crowns

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of zirconia crowns, follow these care tips:

  • Use Soft-Bristled Toothbrushes: Opt for soft toothbrushes and non-abrasive toothpaste to protect the surface of the crowns.
  • Avoid Eating Immediately After the Procedure: It’s advisable not to eat or drink for at least two hours following the procedure.
  • Be Mindful of Numbness: Due to the anesthesia, avoid smoking and hard foods until sensation fully returns.
  • Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods: In the initial weeks after getting a zirconia crown, steer clear of hard or sticky foods to maintain the crown’s durability.
  • Regular Dental Check-Ups: Schedule regular visits to your dentist to monitor the condition of the crown and address any potential issues early on.


Treatment Summary

Inclusive Package

Hotel, Transfer, Assistance

Operation Duration

1-8 Hours


General Anesthesia

Stay Duration

5-10 days

Frequently Asked Questions

A zirconia crown is a type of dental crown made from zirconium dioxide, a durable, white ceramic material. It is used to cover and protect damaged or decayed teeth while providing a natural-looking appearance.
Zirconia crowns are known for their durability and can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years or even longer with proper care and maintenance.
The procedure is generally not painful, as local anesthesia is used to numb the area during the preparation and placement of the crown. You may experience some discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, but this typically subsides within a few days.
Zirconia crowns offer several benefits, including high durability, resistance to chipping and cracking, excellent biocompatibility with the gums, and a natural tooth-like appearance due to their light transmission properties.
While both zirconia and Emax crowns are excellent options, zirconia crowns are stronger and more durable, making them ideal for molars. Emax crowns, on the other hand, are more translucent and are often preferred for front teeth due to their superior aesthetics.
Zirconia is a biocompatible material, meaning it is generally well-tolerated by the body and unlikely to cause allergic reactions. It is a safe option for most patients.
The process typically requires 2 to 3 dental visits. The first visit involves preparing the tooth and taking impressions, and the final visit is for fitting and cementing the crown in place.
Yes, zirconia crowns can be used for both front and back teeth. However, they are particularly suitable for back teeth due to their strength and ability to withstand heavy chewing forces.
After getting a zirconia crown, it’s important to avoid eating or drinking for the first two hours, refrain from consuming hard or sticky foods in the first few weeks, and avoid smoking or using abrasive toothpaste to prolong the life of the crown.
Caring for a zirconia crown involves maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste and be mindful of hard foods that could damage the crown.
